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My Personal & Professional Values


            I recognize that as a student affairs professional my responsibility is to help students expand beyond academic knowledge; to grow emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, and physically. The idea of holistic development influences drives the need for student services and programs that support student academics and integrate classroom knowledge with co-curricular experiences. Aiding in meaning making is a crucial part of the student affairs profession.

  My value of openness incorporates the desire for adventure as well as the ability to be open to new experiences, ideas, and people. I love to go new places and try new things; I approach new experiences with an open mind and with a spirit of inquiry. I am most motivated to learn when placed in new environments and get energy from new ideas and meeting new people.

       By involving students in their own meaning

       making, learning, and decision making, students learn who they are. Student empowerment plays a role in developing a sense of autonomy and ownership. It is about asking questions that allow students to make discoveries and accomplishments on their own rather than completing tasks for them. I value student input and participation, and feel that student efforts should be recognized to aid in the development of student autonomy and ownership.

    To serve others is an essential professional value of student affairs. I find job satisfaction in what I can do for students. I serve others in my work through my actions, and by acting as a positive role model and leader by enacting my values of relationships, loyalty, openness, and acceptance of others. I give of myself not only to students but to colleagues as well. I serve in ways that shows genuine interest in and compassion for others. I make myself available to students and colleagues to talk about what is important, pressing, or challenging to them.


Holistic Development


     I believe that higher education should be made up of safe, comfortable, supportive, challenging, and inclusive communities. These communities can be formal and informal and create meaningful connections and networks. I believe that communities should support individual growth while building relationships in which individuals can challenge and rely on each other. It is my hope that through establishing and supporting communities, individuals will find themselves open to individual expression.

   I believe that there is value in every student and in every student voice. As a student affairs professional I make a commitment to be an advocate and promote justice. I see myself as someone who will encourage students’ success as well as support students in their everyday challenges. By finding others to stand with, connecting to resources, and supporting students I believe in the advocacy for all student voices.



   My value of integrity encompasses my honest and genuine nature. I hold myself to high expectations in all areas of my life. In my relationships, work, and education I always put forth my best effort while remaining true to myself. I spent a large portion of my undergraduate years determining who I truly am. I have discovered that I am a relational achiever with a fun-loving attitude. My value for integrity means that I act in accordance to who I am.

   I have always held loyalty as one of my personal values. Being faithful in relationships and establishing trust are ways that I enact my value for loyalty. Loyalty accounts for my strong belief in commitment. It is my commitment to loyalty that has led me into committed relationships. I function in ways that combine my value for relationships with loyalty.



  My relationships with others, including, family, friends, and my fiance provide me with energy, support, and meaning. It is these relationships that make me feel complete. I strive to build communities of friends who turn into family wherever I go. I often make decisions based on my relationships; acting in ways that strengthen and promote relationships is important to me.

Student Autonomy & Ownership

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